Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Can a simple thought of haircut put God and religion into perspective?

It's Tuesday as I write this post. I wanted my hair cut as it's always too messy and ruffled. As I was returning from work I was looking for the salon near my home. It was a bit late and I was hoping that the salon would still be open.

As I was thinking on these lines, the years of conditioning inside me reminded me that it was Tuesday and I wasn't supposed to cut my hair on certain days!? Now before I could either banish this thought or my mind started playing thought-games with me, a far more striking thought overwhelmed me.

In Hindu religion and mythology, One God / many forms - Advaita principle - is always preached and practised. Now, if we have One saviour, which I truly believe in, and that saviour is seen as Jesus in Christianity, Mohammad in Islam and so on., then how could it be possible that being a Hindu what I do / don't do on certain days is bad whereas being a person belonging to another religion it is OK?

Does God ever say that if you are a Hindu, then you do this / don't do this; if you are a Christian then you practise in this manner; ? From any logical, practical mind, rational mind the answer would be a straight forward NO.

If that's the case why can't a human being be allowed to just be what he wants and seek his God from within ? In making a person follow so many rituals / practise principles of certain doctrine, we are stressing more focus on the methods than on the ultimate goal.

The words from a Chinese classic text which I recently stumbled upon can never be so appropriate as it is here : "We mould clay in to pot but it is what it contains that actually matters!"

P.S: Am certainly not atheist and I truly believe in Intelligent Design of this Universe - the designer being God / Almighty / Supreme whatever noun / adjective we tag Him with.