Friday, March 28, 2008


I came across an interesting line in a blog recently. It said "Technology is great. Pencils are better. Simplicity rules." and somewhere else stumbled upon this quote of Leonardo da Vinci - "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

Actually, while reflecting on these lines, I realised that simplicity actually brings awareness and focus in to anything one ventures into. And sometimes, in the pursuit of sophistication and refinement, I tend to divert and deviate from my original intent.

Just to inspire you on a good article on simplicity, check out this link:

Keeping it simple

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The road to becoming a Maverick. Well, still searching for the route....

I was chatting with one of my closest pals today, while at work. She said that she started sensing in me the change and that it is close to becoming a Maverick! Well, I don't know for sure but a little bit of thinking makes me feel that she might be right. Cos' what am trying to achieve is break the shackles of years of conditioning thats been fed to me from family, friends , school and society and to analyze/approach everything afresh. Well, I initially thought my idea is stupid cos' one can never make all the mistakes to learn from them. But then, I would rather try and get defeated in the process, if at all, rather than give up even before starting and continue in the rat race approaching the unknown!

The most captivating and mind-blowing composition of Ilayaraja that has stirred my soul inside-out until this day

Ennulle Ennulle song from the film Valli...

Past, Present and Future

Some people say and believe, one should bury their past and start living in the moment and look forward to the future. Now, how I wish, I could bury my past along with all my liabilities and start afresh by amassing great wealth and start looking forward to the future??? Ha Ha Ha, Juz in how Alf says ;o)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Maestro Ilayaraja's composition of Thiruvasagam

I am a die-hard / hard-core / fanatic (whatever one calls it) fan of the greatest living musical genius, Maestro Ilayaraja. Ever since I came to my senses, I started calling him fondly as "Mottai". There have been days where me and my closest pal, Raj , have gone for hours singing his tunes one after the other without breaks, completely oblivion to our surroundings!! Now I get a chance to post certain links to one of his greatest compositions, Thiruvasagam in Symphony.

Conducted by the Royal Symphony Orchestra in Budapest, Hungary in the year 2004. And this is what , the Oscar Award winning English Lyricist of Hollywood, Stephen Schwartz (who did the English translation of Thiruvasagam) had to say about the great IR....

Quote "No one has ever done such a musical piece." Unquote.

Here is a photo album with the song lyrics and couple of his pics during that time.

Maestro Ilayaraja's Thiruvasagam in Symphony

Here are some video links from YouTube, to his interview after he returned from Hungary:

Ilayaraja: making of Thiruvasagam in Symphonic Orchestra - Part 1

Ilayaraja: making of Thiruvasagam in Symphonic Orchestra - Part 2

Ilayaraja: making of Thiruvasagam in Symphonic Orchestra - Part 3

Ilayaraja: making of Thiruvasagam in Symphonic Orchestra - Part 4